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One place for our legal documentation and policies

Pixel is a Premium web based User Interface Kit based on the popular Bootstrap 5 CSS Framework developed by Themesberg.

UI kits help you reduce the time of developing websites and web apps by having numerous components, sections and pages ready to be used.

Pixel is a highly customizable design system due to our increased efforts of using Sass variables, mixins and functions.

Of course you can! You can use Pixel UI Kit to build as many websites as you want. The simple license only restricts you from selling a copy or a modified copy of Pixel.

Of course! Everything you see in the demo page is what you will get if you buy our product.

Please read the following page regarding refunds: Refund Policy

Pixel is a product that our team will continuously update every month with extra components, sections, pages and plugins.

We will also make updates based on the feedback we get from our community, so feel free to let us know how we can upgrade our UI Kit.

Got a question? Let us know and we'll try our best to answer you at the support center.

Email us

Email us for general queries, including marketing and partnership opportunities.
Call us

Call us to speak to a member of our team.We are always happy to help you.

+1 (234) 567890

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